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Interpretación del Pericón Nacional por parte del Ballet Folclórico Juvenil del @Sodre_Uruguay, en el Salón de los Pasos Perdidos. #DeclaratoriaDeLaIndependencia 🇺🇾 https://t.co/OcaRqgJ3pB
Bailarina y tanquista danzan sobre un tanque durante Armiya-2021 En una ceremonia del foro Armiya-2021, varios tanques deleitaron a los espectadores con un vals, mientras encima de otro blindado una bailarina y un tanquista danzaban un ballet https://t.co/v2TUomiuO8
Natalia Osipova performs Michel Fokine's The Dying Swan as part of The Royal Ballet: Live – Within the Golden Hour. Watch On Demand until 13 December ...
Enjoy this video? Subscribe to our channel to receive notifications about new ballet and opera clips. To book tickets or find out more about the Royal Opera ...
Everything a parent needs to know about a young child's first pair of ballet slippers. A tutorial about how to purchase, care for and prepare ballet slippers.
This is a barre for beginning level ballet students of all ages! In this class, we move very slowly and methodically and work on placement, strength, musicality, ...
Hi Friends. Today we are doing a 25 minute ballet inspired workout. We will be using 6 beautiful moves to sculpt your body with both toning + cardio exercises.
HELLO EVERYONE Thank you all for watching my journey of different types of ballet flats. comment below your fav flats. Love you all Xx ...